It’s too easy to get all excited about a free hookup. I mean, think about it. It’s free and it’s a hookup. It’s like putting two of the best things on the planet and smashing them together to create a huge amount of goodness, richness, and deliciousness. It’s like taking the best chocolate, smashing it together with the best peanut butter, and just achieving an orgasm with your taste buds. I mean, I can’t even imagine it, you know?
It’s no surprise that a lot of dudes are excited about free hookup dating but little do they know they are actually stepping into quicksand. In many cases, they end up a complete and total mess. I’m not saying that they ended up this way because all these women were rejecting them, although that could happen. I’m saying this because they ended up being successful.
You see, one of the worst things that could happen is for you to have your wishes granted. That’s why the Chinese have this saying, “Be careful what you wish for, it just might happen.” And guess what? A lot of guys have really gone to town with the free hookup experience and from initial experiences it seems like they’re like a kid in a candy store. But it turned out that they were living a nightmare.
The reason is a lot of these dudes are emotional immature. They cannot separate their penises from their hearts. Not surprisingly, when they fuck all these women, they get emotionally tied at some level or other. I’ve seen it happen again and again where a guy fucks a chick and he gets so jealous when that chick ends up fucking other dudes.
You have to remember you’re at a free hookup site just like is. What kind of women do you think you’re going to hook up with? I’m not saying that these women are sluts and whores. I mean–hey, if a guy is allowed to fuck as many different strange women as possible, why can’t a woman do that? We’re modern people. We live in a modern world. Equality is the key.
But if you are going to subscribe to that bullshit double standard or worse yet you get emotionally attached, maybe this game is not for you. So I just need you to think about that for a second because you might end up hurting yourself pretty badly.