A lot of guys have fallen in love with the concept of having a fuck friend. If you think about it hard enough, it’s very hard to resist this concept. Imagine going on long road trips and enjoying fishing trips together, exploring new art and music, and otherwise having a great time with each other and at the end of the night, fucking your brains out. It’s like you get to have your cake and eat it too. Talk about living in the best of all worlds.
Well, there’s a lot to recommend the whole concept of a fuckfriend, but the problem is a concept will always remain a concept unless your find the right person. This is where a lot of guys get it wrong. They think that they can just convert any regular female friend into a fuckfriend. Bad idea. Let’s face it, if you did not start out your relationship as friends with an open door to the friendship leading to something more physical and intimate, you are essentially shitting where you eat. You are playing with fire, my friend. You can kiss goodbye all those great memories and good times you had with your female friend because the moment you make a move and try to turn her into a fuckfriend, and fail, that’s pretty much the practical end of your friendship.
So how do you spot an awesome fuckfriend? It’s very easy. Be clear with them from the beginning that you may take the relationship to a much deeper level. Are they okay with that? Are they okay with a physical friendship? By filtering friends from the get-go with this mindset, you increase the likelihood of success.